Archive | June 2021

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Latin: Universal, Immutable, and Non-Venacular

Thus the “knowledge and use of this language,” so intimately bound up with the Church’s life, “is important not so much on cultural or literary grounds, as for religious reasons.” These are the words of Our Predecessor Pius XI, who conducted a scientific inquiry into this whole subject, and indicated three qualities of the Latin language […]

About Children at the Latin Mass

THE PROBLEMS WITH MASS BEING TOO ACCESSIBLE FOR CHILDREN AND WITH CATECHESIS AT MASS—an audio excerpt from a video discussion titled Is Latin Overrated? — Mass of the Ages LIVE with Fr. Z and Angela Lill —Here is the book, The Mass Explained to Children by Maria Montessori, mentioned in the audio excerpt above. + PREPARING […]

Unveiling the Content of the Latin Mass

The Latin acts as a veil so that you can have a beautiful unveiling of the content. —Fr. Z in a video discussion titled Is Latin Overrated? — Mass of the Ages LIVE with Fr. Z and Angela Lill —Below is an excerpt titled: VENACULAR VERSUS LATIN AS A VEIL, from the podcast episode which contains the […]

About Active Participation at Mass

“The fullest sense of participation was the reception of Holy Communion in a state of grace.” —Fr. Z paraphrasing a passage from a pre-Vatican II document, in a video discussion titled Is Latin Overrated? — Mass of the Ages LIVE with Fr. Z and Angela Lill —Below is an excerpt titled: ABOUT ACTIVE PARTICIPATION AT MASS, […]

Versus Popolum and the Need to Animate the Novos Ordo Mass

The reason why versus popolum has come to be almost identified with the essence of the Novos Ordo, even though we know it’s not necessary, is that it’s a liturgy where there has to be an animator, somebody who is there in a sense animating the people and making them do stuff in response. And […]

A Pious Reflection on the Latin Mass

THE PRIEST AT MASS……CHRIST 1 Enters the Sanctuary……Enters the Garden of Olives2 Begins prayers at the foot of the Altar……Begins prayer in the Garden3 Says the Confiteor……Falls down in agony, sweats blood4 Goes to the Epistle side of the Altar……Is bound as a prisoner & led to Annas5 Reads the Introit……Is falsely accused by Annas & […]

The Mass Is Not a Reenactment of the Last Supper

—This 75 second audio excerpt is from Introduction to the Latin Mass by Peter Kwasniewski. Here is the YouTube link to the video of the entire talk.